


Jian Wu

China Research Institute of

Radiowave Propagation (CRIRP)

Capability of space weather measurement at Qujing national

observatory and cooperative prospect in the IMCP

Ligia Alves Da SilvaCBJLSW-INPEHigh-energy electron flux enhancement pattern in the outer radiation belt in response to the interplanetary coronal mass ejections
Laysa ResendeCBJLSW-INPE

Nocturnal sporadic cusp-type layer (Esc) resulting from anomalous

excess ionization during the extreme May 11, 2024, magnetic storm 

over the SAMA region

Vania F. AndrioliCBJLSW - NSSC/INPE

Peculiar enhancement in the neutral K and Na layers observed during atypical E-region event in the South American Magnetic Anomaly

(SAMA) region

Wojciech Miloch

Department of Physics,

University of Oslo, Norway

Studies of ionospheric plasma irregularities at high latitudes and

status of the 4DSpace instrument network

Giovanni Battista 

Secchia Gonzalez

Facultad de Ingeniería - 

Universidad Nacional de Asunción

Optimization of a Detection System for Cosmic Ray Generated 

Muonswith Silicon Multipliers (SiPM) and Variable Geometry

Libo Liu

Institute of Geology and 

Geophysics, CAS

East-West difference in the ionospheric responses to geomagnetic


Guozhu Li

Institute of Geology and

Geophysics, CAS

Capabilities, advantages and limitations of LARID for observing

ionospheric variability

Xu Zhou

Institute of Geology and

Geophysics, CAS

Observed responses of tides and gravity waves in the MLT region to

the Madden-Julian Oscillation

Wenjie Sun

Institute of Geology and

Geophysics, CAS

The spatial features of Es and E-region irregularities based on the

IONISE network

Michel Blanc

Institute for Research in Astrophysics and Planetology(IRAP)

Investigating the Complex Storm-time Electrodynamics of the Low 

and Equatorial Latitude Ionosphere and Middle-Upper Atmosphere

(IMUA) with the two Great Meridian Circles of the IMCP

Francisco Carlos de Meneses JuniorInstituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR)

Effects of space weather events and ionospheric environment over

Brazil: a topic of increasing interest in precision agriculture

Sergio DassoIAFE (UBA/CONICET)Operative Space Weather activities of LAMP in Argentina
Syau-Yun HSIEHJHU/APLMonitoring Causes and Effects of Magnetopause Motion from Ground and Geosynchronous Orbit
Prasert Kenpankho

King Mongkut's Institute of

 Technology Ladkrabang

Single frequency GPS TEC Model for TEC Monitoring at Low Latitude, Thailand

Christine Amory-


Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Sorbonne Universités

International Space Weather Initiative Europe-Africa 

Anabella UruttiLaboratorio MAGGIA, FCAG-UNLP

Study of ionospheric disturbances over South America during 

the St. Patrick’s Day 2015 and the Mother's Day 2024 storms using

ionospheric indices from GNSS observations

Aziza Bounhir

Mohamed V University, Faculty of


Ground based measurement of thermospheric winds
M. Paula NataliMAGGIA - FCAG - UNLPGNSS and its role in Space Weather studies
Kuan LiMacau Institute of Space Technology and Application, Macau University of Science and TechnologyA mathematical framework for studying the geomagnetism
Philip EricksonMIT Haystack Observatory

The Coupled Magnetosphere / Ionosphere / Thermosphere

System: Observations and Science Insights on the Geospace Cold 

Plasma Lifecycle

Shunrong ZhangMIT Haystack Observatory

Geospace disturbances during the Dec 1, 2023 storm of the

IMCP-ISR coordinated campaign

José GamonalMackenzie Presbyterian University

Relation between Solar Flares X-rays and Phase Variations of Very

Low-Frequency waves recorded during the First Brazilian Expedition 

to Antarctica

Diego JanchesNASA/GSFCGlobal Studies of the MLT using a network of meteor radars
Bea Gallardo-LacourtNASA/CUA

Facilitating Worldwide Collaborations in the Geospace Dynamic

Constellation (GDC) Era

Nat GopalswamyNASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Global Cooperation in Space Weather Realized by the

International Space Weather Initiative

Larry KepkoNASA Goddard Space Flight Center

The ITM Great Observatory - enabling the next generation of

scientific discoveries

Hanli Liu

National Center for Atmospheric


Study of Gravity Waves and Their Effects Using High-Resolution 


Liying Qian

National Center for Atmospheric


Challenges in Understanding Long-Term Changes in Ionosphere and 

Thermosphere Parameters

Clezio Marcos De 


National Institute for Space Research - INPE

History and future perspectives of China-Brazil Space Weather

Joint Laboratory

Joaquim E R CostaNational Institute for Space Research - INPEAchievements made by INPE (within space weather program) with the IMCP proposal in Brazil and future perspectives
Carolina CarmoNational Institute for Space Research - INPE

Abstract 1: Ionospheric Effects During the 2024 Mother's Day 

Geomagnetic Storm Over Latin America

Abstract 2: Studies of Forecasting Methods for Application in 

Space Weather

Gislayne Medeiros 


National Institute for Space Research - INPE

Physical processes responsible for two different types of variabilities

of the relativistic electron flux in the outer radiation belt

Vinicius DeggeroniNational Institute for Space Research - INPE

Impact of an ICME Event on Chorus Wave Activity and Radiation Belt

Electrons: A Case Study from October 12-16, 2016

Karen FerreiraNational Institute for Space Research - INPE

Competing Mechanisms of Relativistic Electron Flux Dropout and

Low Flux Maintenance During a Long Duration Sheath Region: A Case Study

Livia R. AlvesNational Institute for Space Research - INPELocal Acceleration of Relativistic Electrons to Ultra-Relativistic Energy Under Prolonged High Speed Solar Wind Stream
Sony ChenNational Institute for Space Research - INPEStudy of global diurnal geomagnetic variability through observational data and modeling
Amanda PiassiNational Institute for Space Research - INPE

Influence of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly on Sudden

Impulses and dB/dt

Paulo R JauerNational Institute for Space Research - INPE

Study of the coupling of different frequencies of Alfvén waves (AW)

and their effects on energy conversion, BBF´s signature and wave 

generation in the global and inner magnetosphere using Global MHD Simulation

Yihua YanNational Space Science Center, CAS

Monitor the Solar Eruptions through Sun-Earth Space by Radio


Yajun ZhuNational Space Science Center, CAS

Development of an Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer

(ASHS) for sounding neutral winds in middle and upper atmosphere

Qinghe ZhangNational Space Science Center, CAS

Recent progress and future potential on understanding

magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling over the polar caps

Jiyao XuNational Space Science Center, CAS

Abstract 1: Observation and studies on ionospheric disturbances 

over China using the airglow all sky image network

Abstract 2: Introduction to China's Space Environment 

Ground-based Monitoring Network - Chinese Meridian Project (CMP)

Xuhui ShenNational Space Science Center, CAS

Space response to natural hazards and space effects of natural


Hui LiNational Space Science Center, CASImpacts of Solar Energetic Particles on Polar Ozone and Stratospheric Dynamics
Bingxian LuoNational Space Science Center, CASSpace weather impacts in China during the May 2024 Events reflected by the CMP observations
Jiancheng ShiNational Space Science Center, CASModeling and Observations of Energy and Water Cycle over Tibet
Jiankui ShiNational Space Science Center, CAS

Types of Ionospheric SF at Low Latitude: Research Progress in

Digisonde Observation at Meridian Project Station Hainan

Zheng WangNational Space Science Center, CAS

Ionogram Predictions for Spread-F at Hainan with Two Different

Neural Network

Zhiqing ChenNational Space Science Center, CASData of the Chinese Meridian Project
Jorge SamanesPeruvian Space Agency - CONIDAA new VLF receiver to study the lower ionosphere and its response to space weather and atmospheric phenomena
Danny Scipion

Radio Observatorio de Jicamarca,

Instituto Geofísico del Perú

Current and new updates to the Jicamarca Radio Observatory

Investigation of ionospheric plasma irregularities development as

responses to Space Weather disturbances using GNSS ROTI mapping

Irina ZakharenkovaSRRC UWM - UCAR COSMIC

Challenges in tracing the evolution of storm-induced ionospheric

irregularities using ground-based GNSS and satellite observations

Asti BhattSRI international

Geospace advances with temporally and spatially continuous

ground-based observations: Current state and future

Michael KoschSouth African National Space Agency (SANSA)
SANSA SuperDARN HF radar and instrument infrastructure for space weather research
Giorgio PicançoUniversity of Vale of Paraíba (Univap)

Long-term Analysis of Equatorial Plasma Bubble Morphology over

South America Using a GNSS-Based Ionospheric Index

Yue DengUniversity of Texas at Arlington

Inter-Hemispheric Asymmetry in the Magonetosphere-Ionosphere-

Thermosphere During the December 04, 2021 Solar Eclipse: 

MHD-GCM Coupled Simulations

Lourivaldo M. LimaUniversidade Estadual da Paraíba

Dynamics of the mesospheric winds during August-September 2019

over different latitudes at Brazilian and Chinese regions

D.M.SchaeferUTFPR- Medianeira/Brazil

Wavelet cross-correlation analyses as a tool for monitoring 

space weather events affecting magnetic pulsations in the Earth's 


Yufeng WuWuhan UniversityAcquisition method and observation results of VLF transmitter signal phase
Wei XuWuhan UniversityDisturbance of VLF Transmitter Signals Measured during Geomagnetic Storms in Antarctica
Siramas KomonjindaAstronomical Research laboratory...